Our Congregation offers endless opportunities for young families to get involved.
From services to social events, there is something for everyone.
Cafe Shabbat Music – On the 3rd Friday of each month (November – May) Chai families and friends celebrate Shabbat with a family dinner at 6:30pm followed by a musical service at 7:00pm.
Tot Shabbat – On the 2nd Friday of each month (October – May) children up to age 6 and their parents meet at 6:00pm in the Children’s Shul for a fun evening of songs, games, stories and prayers.
Pajama Shabbat – On the 3rd Friday of each month (October – May) bring your children dressed in their pajamas for a fun service with Rabbi Smith.
Kids’ Congregation – Join us for a fun, creative and lively Shabbat morning at 10:30am. We will sing, dance, pray and learn about the weekly torah reading. Children grades K-4 are invited to attend.
Junior Congregation – This is a service geared toward mastering Shabbat morning skills through learning about and singing songs, prayers and torah discussion. Grades 5-7 meet us at 10:30am in the Youth Lounge.
Havdalalalapalooza – The Havdalah ceremony stands out, in its affinity to bond community. So we have created a program of Havdalah togetherness. Please join us for Havdalah, dinners and our very special music jams.
There are many paths to community at Chai. Congregants can choose from a wide range of groups and activities, including Youth Groups, Chai Young Adults, Zhava Young Working Women, Havurot, Journey Groups, Men’s Club and Sisterhood.H
June 19, 2013 by belin1964 • Holidays
During the month prior to the High Holy Days, it is customary to add penitential prayers (selichot) to our worship. In addition, a special Selichot service is held on the Saturday evening prior to the start of the High Holy Days. Although traditionally held at midnight, our congregation’s Selichot service is held earlier in the evening to encourage people of all ages to attend.